Business Idea for SEO Services and Marketing

SEO Services and Marketing: How To Get More Clients For Your SEO And Marketing Services

SEO is an excellent way of making money. For starters, SEO helps websites to rank higher in the google, and a company which focuses on providing SEO services is an SEO service company. If you are from Malaysia, where businesses have been growing day by day, and more websites are being made, you will find a lot of work if your expertize is in SEO. But, as you are already in this article, hunting down ways to make money through SEO services and marketing, I guess you already know the basics. We give you some ideas to make money through your SEO company, and this article has been divided into two parts, way you can implement SEO and some ways you can get more clients.

SEO Services And Marketing: Two Ways Of Working

SEO and marketing services have two ways of approaching their work. One is opening their own website, and another is working for other websites. You can do both.

Own Website

Apart from the company website (which you will need at first as your portfolio), you can own some blogs where you could make money. Place some marketable content, and as you already have SEO skills, it is apparent that you are going to rank well and do good business with your website. Also, SEO and marketing services have seen this as a great way of finding clients, too. As you will work on your own website and have a great google search visibility to brag about, you will have something stand out in your portfolio to attract potential clients.

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Other Websites

Here is another way your Malaysia SEO company could make a profit. That is, working for other websites. Of course, to get clients such as this, you will need to get some ideas, and here are some ways you could attract more people.

Portfolio Website and You Own Working Website

We have already mentioned them above. Make sure you make your website rank highest in the Google search results, after all, people are only going to believe you with their web traffic if you have done the same for yourself. So, don’t already jump in for a hopeless search for clients; many more websites in Malaysia are being made, and you will find plenty of work if you are patient.

Business Idea for SEO Services and Marketing

Answer Forum Questions

Open a famous online forum account. Don’t leave any related questions unanswered. And after you answer, create some backlinks there as well, so that people will have a basis to get into your website. But while answering questions, don’t make it too obvious. Your answer shouldn’t look like a scam; give your best answering, and when the people feel you are genuine, they are more likely to click on your link.

Build Connections

This doesn’t have to be explained. You will need to know people before you can work for them. Target your potential clients, use social media or other ways to find them, and communicate with them. Cold pitching works many times; you look out for business websites which don’t have a lot of traffic, and you send in an unsolicited proposal that you could help them to be discovered. Of course, it sounds like a scam, but this is how some of the biggest SEO companies get steady work.

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SEO Workshop

Help others to help yourself. Conducting SEO workshops will also help you get clients. Organise an SEO Services and Marketing workshop class and advertise the event as much as you can. You will be assisting the beginners to get in the business, and at the same time, other sites will consider you capable of being a father figure, which is going to help to build your reputation. And this will result in more people knowing about you.

These were some business ideas for SEO Services and Marketing business in Malaysia. Let us know if you have some more. If you want to learn more, you can also read about guide to start business in Malaysia.