Food Truck Business In Malaysia And Its Demand In The Market

Food truck business in Malaysia; legal actions, costs, revenue and outcome

If you want to start a food truck business in Malaysia, then do not hesitate to work out on it. A food truck is a moving food truck business, in which you offer food items to the people. This business costs lower than usual restaurants because you just have to open a kitchen, and sell the food items you are efficient at making. You do not have to acquire a large place for seating arrangements.

Food Truck Business In Malaysia And Its Demand In The Market
Some people have a misconception that food truck business is an easy business to start with. It requires all the legal procedures which a restaurant has to undergo. There is a lot of paperwork involved, which you have to approve to, before starting your food truck business in Malaysia.

Food trucks are going on a revolutionary path in Malaysia. With the right plan you can open your food truck business and earn profitable sums on daily basis. Food truck is fun oriented business, which has a potential to grow with time.

Government has set some guidelines for you, if you are keen on setting your food truck business in Malaysia. In order to ensure quality and organized working of the food trucks, the government has formulated some rules and principles, which all the food trucks businesses have to abide by. As reported by the Malay mail, the government has made the rules because food truck industry is growing, so it was the need of the hour to put some restrictions on the business planners.

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First of all you have to buy your food truck and decorate it according to the food theme you want to sell. Before entering the culinary food truck, we want to help you to look deeper into the plan of this business.

Cost estimation

Here we will break down the cost for you so you can have an idea about how much cost you must have to start up with food truck business in Malaysia.

Fees for permit

First of all, apply for SSM company registration which costs RM 100 and GDL license which costs around RM500. Secondly, you need to apply for permit from local council from your food truck. This permit needs to be renewed after every 6 months which cost just RM 1080.\

Operating fees

You need to make an attractive menu for your customers, to explain them about the food you are going to serve. The menu design would take approximately RM300. RM 20250 is the estimated cost for your raw material for making the food items. The raw materials should be bought side by side, to keep the freshness of the food. Do not store the large amount of raw material, beforehand. Always keep RM 3000 on a safe side for any maintenance and emergencies. In business, emergencies should be dealt side by side and there is always a chance for error as well, be prepared for that.

Food truck

Your food truck needs to pass the inspection of Computerized Vehicle Inspection center, as they will check the design and kitchen as well. A full working food truck along with kitchen can cost up to RM100, 000 OR RM 150,000.

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Available spaces

Food truck location also matters a lot like other restaurants. You have to set some locations, where you can go and operate your food business. Some places are very busy where your truck might not get noticed, but some places are very empty which might get boring for the customers. Select the places wisely for your business. At some places, you have to pay the rent to the authorities to allow your truck to do its business. Do get to know about rules and regulations of all the target places you are going to work at.


Search enough about the market and come up with something delicious and quick to eat food. You would not want to be the regular food truck offering same items like all others. The food items should be tasty and it should have the potential to suit the taste buds of all the customers.


In the start, you should not expect too much revenue. Businesses tend to generate income with the passage of time. You can earn between RM 1000 to 1500, if every meal cost RM 10. A business need to put in a lot of efforts in the start, to make an income

For food truckers

Food trucks are contributing their part in spreading awareness about different cultural foods. Food trucks seem to be a fun business as you can sell the food items while travelling. People also admire food trucks because they just have to order and get their food, instead of sitting and spending all the time there. They can eat the food while walking or doing their normal work.

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There are no potential negative effects of food trucks except that they kill the market value of the restaurants. But that negative effect does not harm you. You have to run your business in a smooth way to earn the income.

Food truck business seems to be a rewarding business but like all the businesses, it also needs hard work. No business earns just like that, efforts and hard work is necessary to put in. Always come up with strategies, which can advertise the business and customers get to know more about it. Always try to serve the delicious food, because your mobile business will always earn because of the taste. Along with taste, maintain hygiene because nowadays people are very conscious about hygiene. This will build trust of the customers and they will always come to you for the food. Start the business with a positive mind because positive mind always bring in positive results.