Business Idea For Car Washing And Detailing Services In Malaysia

Business Startup Idea For Car Washing And Detailing Services In Malaysia

In order to start a business of car washing and detailing service in Malaysia, it is a rising business in Malaysia. With the rising number of imported cars with low import duty and local sales taxes, it would soon become a requirement in Malaysia, to have a good service for car washing and detailing. The Malaysian automotive association has released the total vehicles on Malaysia at 28.2 million as of July 2017.

The automotive and motor vehicle sales industry contributed approximately 3.6% of Malaysia’s GDP in the year 2017, which becomes an RM40 billion industry and is expected to contribute roughly 10 % GDP collectively by the year 2020. An average of 48000 cars is sold monthly in Malaysia in the year 2017.

Thus, it is clearly easy to understand that car wash and detailing service is in a constant high demand in Malaysia and is expected to grow even more. It would be a wise choice to invest in a business of this line, as it can become a good way to get a good profit.

Business startups

First of all, you need to come up with an idea which ideally does not have a monopoly controlled market. You need to research the market to check if the idea has an application for your target audience. No matter how great the idea is, it is worthless if it is not for the ideal audience and market. For example, if you introduce a lawnmower machine in a society where there is no trend of setting up lawns, the business will not be rewarding in any way. After the idea, you need to gather information on how to start the production of your product, whether it would be a mobile application or a physical product. Then, you need to open a company bank account to manage the finances, in order to keep your investment and revenue in an orderly manner. You need to manage the finances on your own or hire an accountant to cover up and check the business cash flows. You need to obtain your federal employer identification number in order to hire employees and manage the taxes. After all, this has been done, you can set up the office, and the required warehouse etc.

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Requirements for a business in car washing and detailing services in Malaysia

In Malaysia, it is a trend to have the car washed by others, as it is affordable rather than investing time and effort by doing it yourself. It can be a profitable business if invested and taken care of responsibly.

Business Idea For Car Washing And Detailing Services In Malaysia
First of all, you need a place to open up a car wash and enough space to park customer’s cars and build an office right beside it. As it is a basic need for customers to park their cars in order to wait for their turn and a place to sit and wait. It is always a nice gesture to provide with an extra service along with the basic one. You can put up a magazine store and a mini shop beside it to engage the customers to spend their free time. Strategic location and placement will contribute to business exposure. The basic thing to consider in order finding the perfect place for the car wash and detailing service is income level, spending habits and the community in which you are going to set up your business. The surrounding community is the basic indication for the need of a business setup of this line. You need to determine the appropriate size of the working space for your employees and the customers and for their safety and comfort as well.

After all these requirements, you need to prepare your costs and expenses. Every business requires an initial starting up cost and money to keep it running, to provide for the instruments used in washing and detailing of cars and the employees one must have enough money to provide for the requirements to keep the business running.
Car washing is a basic business with low risk, as it can be done by automated machines or a worker as well. But, for detailing, you need expert staffs who can work professionally, as it requires intense care indenting and detailing to match the colour of the car as well as hiding the scratches.

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One basic need for any business to run is the way its advertisement is done. You need to let the neighbourhood community, to know that you are providing them with a service with the best rates, which would save the customers from hassle and effort, which they have to put in by not using your product. The easiest way of doing so is through social media and print media these days.

Application of business premise licenses and signboard licenses

Business premise licenses and signboard licenses are the musts to get for operating business in Malaysia, from the respective State Authorities. The necessities for the request of a business premise license and a signboard license may be different for different local authorities. Generally, an application for getting license needs:

  • Identity card’s photocopy of the applicant
  • Passport-sized photograph
  • Duplicate of the business’s M&A and Forms 9, 24 and 49
  • Duplicate of the rental contract or the deal of corporation’s business ground
  • Duplicate of the Fire Department’s care letter
  • Duplicate of the site plan of the corporation’s business ground
  • Photographs of the business foundation
  • Photographs presenting the site of the business’s signboard
  • Models of the signboard

For further facts and guidance for businesses situated in Kuala Lumpur, kindly visit DBKL’s website at
For further guidance for companies placed in Petaling Jaya, kindly visit MPPJ’s website at